Dental Insurance Health Care, Symptoms and Signs of an Abscessed Tooth.
As discussed in a a prior post abscessed tooth is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore it is important to understand the warning signs of a dental abscessed. Warning Signs of a Abscessed Tooth
* Continuous pain
* Breath Odor (Cause due to the Infection)
* Bitter taste in your mouth. (Caused due to the Infection)
* Pain when chewing
* Possible Fever
* Sensitivity of teeth to hot and cold food and drink items.
* Swelling of the gum over the infected tooth. (This may look like a pimple)
* Swollen glands of the neck
* A more very serious symptom would be Swollen area of the upper or lower jaw.
Do not let this warnings signs go unchecked by a dentist. Not only is your dental health at risk with a dental abscessed but so is your overall health. Infection can spread if left untreated causing serious health issues and death.