Washington DC Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care
Part time student full time worker. Even though I do have a full time job I do not get dental benefits. I would like to get an estimated cost idea for dental services since I have a back molar that has been really hurting me in the past few days.
The filling came out about a week ago and is now causing me to have the toothache pain I am in. The pain is really effective my daily life at school and at work. I been eating really soft food and trying to rinse my mouth out more with a strong mouthwash to keep it clean.
Not having dental Insurance I am worried about the cost of having the tooth fixed. Most of my money goes into my school work and I do not have much extra. I need help in finding cheap dental insurance and a low cost dental office and a ways to go about paying for my dental services. I would love an idea of how much all this would cost me. Thanks