California Dental Insurance, What is an estimated cost for dental care
I am a part time student and part time worker. I do not have any dental insurance and need to have an estimated cost idea for dental services. Need dental help ASAP since I am in pain.
Two of my back molars are killing me. One of the molars has a really bad cavity. The other molar filling came out three weeks ago and is now causing me to have dental pain in that tooth as well.
The pain is really effective my daily life at school and at home. The pain goes from the side of my face up to my head. Forget about eating anything that is not very soft. I know I need some major dental care.
This is effecting my confidence and is ruining my life. I need help in finding cheap dental insurance and a low cost dental office and a ways to go about paying for my dental services. I would love an idea of how much all this would cost me. Thanks
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