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Protecting Your Baby Dental Health

Sunday, Aug. 11th 2013 12:50 PM

Even before your child’s first tooth appears, their gums can benefit from your careful attention. After feeding your baby, wrap your finger with a damp washcloth and gently rub across your baby’s gums. By doing so will help keep their gums clean as well as reinforce the habit making brushing their teeth easier for you and your baby as their teeth come in.

Around six months your baby first tooth will start to come in, during the next three years the rest of the primary teeth will come in.  When your baby first tooth erupts it will be time to up grade to a baby toothbrush. However, At this stage, toothpaste isn’t necessary,  just dip the brush in water before brushing.  As a few more teeth appear, you can start using toothpaste with your child’s brush.

Though for the first two years, be sure to choose toothpaste that does not contain fluoride, unless advised to do so otherwise by your child dentist. Teach your child how to spit out the toothpaste after brushing in order to prepare him or her for future use of fluoride toothpaste, which should not be swallowed at any age.   A baby should see a dentist once they cut their first tooth. Early dental visits is the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. The earlier the dental visit, the better the chance of preventing dental disease and helping your child build a cavity-free smile.

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